United States Asteroid Strategy?

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Dear Fellow Pet Lovers,

Our veterinarians subscribe to Veterinary Information Network, or VIN, which is a private information-sharing veterinary site. On it, we can look up odd cases, get advice on same, and share information and concerns with other DVM’s on a safe, private site. VIN also has a few news items affecting veterinarians, and, as I opened the site recently, the first article I saw had the above title (minus the question mark). Of course, I first thought was “Satire.” But it was not.

Apparently, there are hundreds of asteroids and other large foreign rocks, floating around close enough to earth that eventual collision with Earth is considered possible, or even likely.  Of course, the amount of damage and problems would have a lot to do with the size of the object and where it hit.

And though, I did not delve too deeply into advice for such the asteroid collision, there is data out there. Google the “National Near Earth Preparedness Strategy” if you want to know more.

I do not know much about asteroids specifically, but I suggest that common sense usually is the best approach for any problem. Practice good husbandry with your pets, have a “go-kit” just as you would for a hurricane, and certainly have a place or two that you could evacuate to just in case.

Asteroids! Just one more thing that we can be concerned about.

See? Something CAN be done about preventing pet illness.

That is all.

Dr. John Emerson, Pet Emergency Clinic

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